What is around us?
Non-material particles that make up our material world somehow change the laws of our “mid-size” world. Why do micro particles, grouped into large masses, follow the laws of matter? And why do these same micro particles, grouped into enormous masses, stop following the laws of matter?
Alas, it is not possible to answer these fundamental questions using the modern concept of physics. Here you need to change completely a point of view on everything that happens around us. Let us try to apply new knowledge that humanity just gained in 20th century.
What happened then that was of such importance in explaining the nature of the universe? A science called Cybernetics emerged, and with it came a concept of information. We began to describe as “information” virtually everything including ourselves. The concept of information is so universal that can be used to explain literally everything. So what’s the problem? Why we still do not use information to describe our world? Unfortunately, there is one discrepancy, which does not allow associating material world with information directly, without changing those very fundamental concepts. It turned out that we can describe anything using the information, but we cannot “materialise” the information. We do not yet have such tools, alas. After failing to link information to energy, the information itself was no longer considered as fundamental universal value. So far there is still energy, mass, power, speed, etc as we are still used to. Information is in computers now, and we continue to live in three worlds, keeping wondering of their properties. We, as Pagans in science, worship different gods: God of physics, God of chemistry etc. Yet in reality God is one.
Unfortunately for modern science, new experimental data became so inconsistent with the accepted theories that scientists began to come up with absolutely unlikely mathematical models. In reality, these models explained just little things, but much complicated and confused the essence, the nature of things. So why, despite the rejection of the idea of the world of information, I have decided to consider this idea yet again? Because what else can describe and explain the processes in the universe so well? And not only in there – but more about that later on.
First let’s turn to the contemporary problems of physics, which just do not fit into the existing theories.
- Quantum physics. The position of an elementary particle in space and its state cannot be defined exactly in the same way as the position of a pen on a table. The particle simply constantly changes its state, and not smoothly: now it is here, now it’s not. Does this remind you of something? A computer works the same way, processing bits of information. It switches bits of data to “1” or “0”. Looks similar, isn’t it? Now imagine that we are dealing not with particles, but with bits and bytes of information. Seems very interesting: both quantum mechanics and chemistry perfectly fit in. But more of that later.
- Black Holes. How much has already been written about them? How strange they are, and where goes information from the objects swallowed by them… Unfortunately, modern physics does not give a simple and logical answer to “what is it and why”. The problem lies in the concept of gravity, which is the main reason for creation of black holes. But gravity is known as the process of attraction of elementary particles at any distance. This process is formally described, but without defining the nature of its meaning. In other words, it is absolutely unclear to us why all particles are pulling together. Without understanding the essence of this phenomenon, we can’t explain why enormous blocks of particles growing in size at some point actually cease to be a group of particles and become a single particle as well. Yes, Black Hole is also an elementary particle. The Black Hole is an elementary particle, only in reverse. It could be broken into matter, unlike the particles of the micro world, from which the matter is made up. And again, does it not remind you of a computer? It also, while counting till, for example, a maximum of 111111111111111, can only start again from “0” or pass a signal to another computer that the calculation has been completed, and the other computer can carry it on. Doesn’t it look similar to the situation with Black Holes? An array of data has become too big for our Universe to interact with. The Universe just cannot physically “see” such a huge object. It simply has that limitation. It is very interesting what we could arrive at – an invisible bit of information that affects us a lot, and, when “nullified”, explodes into our computer (Universe). This explosion releases enormous energy and a mass of matter. Clusters of stars are being formed, and emitted gravitational waves and deadly streams of elementary particles penetrate the Universe. Perhaps, the micro world has a similar structure? What do you think? Maybe when physicists collide elementary particles in accelerators, they also “nullify” micro particles (bits) visible to us? This process provides them with a lot of useful data. The operating speed of our Universe (computer) is not infinite. The time is required to “nullify” our particle and to destroy a Black Hole in the micro universe adjacent to ours at the bottom, on the level below. Here, scientists observe an amazing phenomenon: a disappearing but not yet null particle, and a collapsing “bit”, no longer a black hole. And here, as I understand it, physicists have not yet established a clear boundary where our universe ends and the micro universe begins. Later, I’ll try to describe why this edge is so difficult to define, as well as to explain the backbone of gravitation.
- Dark matter. First talks about the Dark matter started when calculations of the Universe’s expansion after the Big Bang didn’t match the real observations. The expansion was faster than it was supposed to be. Something invisible influenced movement of masses of matter, and that invisible substance was named the Dark matter. In recent years, with the help of spaceships, people even managed to map the Dark matter density in the Universe. Of course, no one detected a presence of the Dark matter directly; calculations of its concentration were based on the difference between the predicted and actual Universe’s expansion. No scientist has yet come up with any clear idea explaining this new fact. The Dark matter remains “unlinked” to any modern theory of the world order. Attempts to unravel this mystery are just beginning, and I will offer my version of this phenomenon.
I think that the invisibility of the Dark matter is due to its properties. Our Universe has its limitations, or restricts interactions with certain objects in the Wider Universe (I introduce a new term because the concept of single Universe is not enough). Same as Black holes, the Universe, because of some restrictions, cannot (doesn’t want to) interact with the Dark matter. That phenomenon is possibly not the last object in the Wider Universe that cannot be directly detected by our Universe.
What then could be the Dark matter in reality, and what is its purpose (function, use) in the Wider Universe? Assuming, on the basis of our previous reasoning, that matter is information, the Universe is, in fact, a kind of melting pot for it. Where else, in device known to us, information is processed in the similar way? “Isn’t it a computer?”, you may ask. I think yes. It is a computer!d.