World Order

New Digital World Theory. Part 1.

What matter? Does it matter? We use such concepts as matter, energy, force, time, speed and others to describe processes occurring around us. And these terms seem to perfectly describe and explain all that. But do they really? Do these familiar terms answer the question as to how our world works? No, not in my […]

New Digital World Theory. Part 2

What is around us? Non-material particles that make up our material world somehow change the laws of our “mid-size” world. Why do micro particles, grouped into large masses, follow the laws of matter? And why do these same micro particles, grouped into enormous masses, stop following the laws of matter? Alas, it is not possible […]

New Digital World Theory. Part 3

Melting pot of matter (information). What is there in a computer that could function as a Universe? Let’s try to build up an analogy. Everything that happens in the Universe resembles the process of computation and data handling. The data is kept in computer’s memory, from where it is extracted, processed and saved again in […]